On the right path
Some people say when you have a deja vu moment, it means you are traveling the correct path. I have occasionally had a feeling of deja vu, but I really know that I am on the right path when I hear the same "message" from a variety of sources.
This year there have been two very specific times that I have gotten that positive feeling of heading in the right direction. The first occurred during our series on Moses. Ed made several references to the fact that every 40 years was a turning point in Moses' life. During this series, I was reading Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. There were several references in the book to turning points in Moses' life.
Since I had been working through my own issues with this year's birthday (can anyone guess which one this was?) I knew God was using these references to let me know that I should be ready for a shift in my life.
The second reminder came after I finished reading books called Fusion and Chazown. These books got me fired up about putting together a class to teach once or twice a year to all new LIT members what making a lasting impression is all about. I took this as God's way of letting me know what the 40 year shift might be in my life. The reason this would be a HUGE shift in my life is that I am extremely introverted and to stand up in front of people and speak/teach would be a great stretch of my comfort zone.
It's good to know that I am traveling the right path as I continue to processing the info from the books, as well as journaling and putting together a vision/mission/purpose statement of what this class might look like.
Posted in: on Monday, May 12, 2008 at at 6:58 PM