WARNING - This is a rambling post!
I am sure it isn't hard to guess that with my personality type I like things neat, orderly and predictable. I forgot to read the fine print when I joined God's team that life becomes messy, disorganized and very unpredictable. After receiving an email earlier today, announcing a change that I have been well aware of I began to reflect on how much things have changed since I started serving in 1999.
I went from hiding in the back row on Friday night service (this was tough to do when our attendance back then was about 45 people) to helping usher on Friday nights, to leading Friday nights, to leading 8:30 to now leading the Lasting Impression Teams.
Since assuming the roll of LIT coordinator I have dealt with my share of messes, disorganization and unpredictable events. I wouldn't change it for the world! God has taught me some valuable lessons. (flexibility, grace, passion, friendships) I have also learned some lessons from the person who replaced me.
I met Evonn when she joined the ushers after we held a Ministry Fair to recruit new team members. (I've since forgiven her for mistaking the ushers for greeters) I found her to be an amazing woman. She was juggling family, work and ministry; as well as bravely handing her mom's terminal illness. It was no surprise to me when I told the team that I was moving to a new ministry that within a few weeks Evonn mentioned she was interested in assuming my previous leadership roll with the 8:30 team. Since assuming the 8:30 roll, Evonn has taken the ushers to a new level of excellence!
Our bonding time happened over a true Journey meeting place - Starbucks. As I supported her in her new roll, she was a huge support to me in mine. She continues to remind me that life is chaotic and working with volunteers can be challenging at times. She has always there to pray with and for me and offer encouragement and remind me that change happens.
I am sure she will blog about all she has gone through to come her decision. I tried many things to keep Evonn as part of LIT. (my need to keep things orderly and organized) It wasn't until she asked me to advise her as her friend and not her "boss" that I realized I was selfishly trying to hold her back from what she believes God has planned for her. I am in total support of her next move; I will miss serving with her. (she doesn't know it yet, but I have her signed up to usher at Christmas)
Evonn, thank you for showing me changes are good things. Can't wait to see what changes God does next.
Posted in: on Monday, May 19, 2008 at at 7:19 PM
Wow, Alex, I just want to thank you for your support, love, and friendship. You have been an inspirer, motivator, listener, counselor, collaborator, and leader. You are my sister in Christ and just such a special person. Thanks for everything you do for me. You are a blessing to me, to Journey, and to some many others... You are the BOMB! hugs, Evonn