Happy New Year

Today is the last day of 2007. I am getting some end of the year chores done and planning some things for 2008. I got all of my Christmas present thank you's out in the mail today. I thank my grandmother for instilling the importance of thank you notes. I got the oil changed in my car, as much as I want a new car, it's not in the budget, so I need to take very good care of this one! I also went to Barnes and Noble
to spend a gift certificate I received from my Mother-in-law as a Christmas present. I purchased a few books from my reading list to get me started off, as well as a new journal and a new devotional.
I want to thank David and Kim for their kind words and assistance/suggestions for a new devotional. David had given me a few samples to look over. I was all set to purchase my own copy of "Streams in the Desert" when just one shelf a way a brown leather book caught my eye. It was "My utmost for His Highest". I flipped thru it and liked the way the entries were setup and a few titles caught my eye. Understand, David had suggested a book by Oswald Chambers, and I was dead set against it - I had tried to read his book "The Call" and I was COMPLETELY lost. Funny - I am really looking forward to my first entry tomorrow.
I will be celebrating New Year's Eve, New York style - in bed by 9:30! Tomorrow is a big day - Rose Parade, Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl (need to be able to converse sports with Rod) and the second annual outdoor hockey game.
Happy New Year to everyone! Be safe and I pray you will have a very blessed 2008.


  1. Alex,
    It is so fun to wonder around Barnes and Noble... you never know what you'll find or what will catch your eye. Having Starbucks next door is a bonus!
    Happy New Year - Have fun tomorrow!
    P.S. You're handwriting thank you notes? I'm impressed! I'm going the ecard route and/or hugs.