Persecution is alive and well in 2008

Have you ever had the feeling that something was going on behind your back? I've had that feeling at work for the past 3-4 weeks. I thought it had something to do with one of my staff considering transferring to another location. That was just a very small piece of the puzzle.
While I was on vacation last week, there were at least 2 managers in my department asking questions about me. This was confirmed, separately, by two sources. (neither of which was interviewed) I made an appointment with HR to ask what was going on - this was my life and my career someone was messing with!
Turns out, someone in my department, filed a complaint with HR that my "religious behavior" was offensive and they felt threatened by it/me. I am not a "bible thumper" by any means. I have been at this same office for 9 years. During that time, I have invited coworkers to our Christmas Tea, as well as our Family Fall Festival or other special occasions. I do not post anything in the common areas of our facility; I keep all of my "religious material" in my private office.
Since HR can not break the confidence of who filed the complaint, I can only speculate what is going on. As I mentioned before, I have been in this office for 9 years. I am no different in the way I act today, then I was when I was hired. Because of that, I still feel it stems from the employee transferring. The doctor that she supports is very "high maintenance" and is quite upset that she is loosing her nurse. The doctor first tried to get 3-4 other doctors together to file a complaint that I treat employees poorly and force them to transfer. In my nine years, I have had 2 employees transfer to other locations (both were in corrective action due to poor job performance) When the other doctors wanted nothing to do with this scheme I believe she (the doctor) either filed the complaint herself, or coached another nurse to do so.
I have been seeking the wise council of several friends, and am still seeking how God wants to me proceed in this matter. I am not sure there can be a pleasant ending no matter what I decide to do. I could be forced to remove all "religious material" from my office and still keep my job - an option I am not happy with; and because this complaint will always be in my file, if I ever try to proceed with corrective action on any future staff member, they could bring this issue up. I could quit, but then I wouldn't feel vindicated, especially since I feel this stems from a personal vendetta.


  1. Hang in there, girlfriend. I know it is a difficult situation. I really believe when one door closes, another door opens. God will present a clear path for you, whatever that may be. He loves you and will guide you. I love you, too. BIG HUG, Sister.
    P.S. The new blog looks great... it leaves a "Lasting Impression." I'm going to try to figure out the navigation bar for you, but it may take some time.