In Memory

Memories of Willie:

Willie Massie was an angel in more ways than he’d ever claim or probably know. He joined the greeter’s ministry on the very same day in July `07 when three of the four regular greeters went on vacation. Together with John Goldthwaite, he faithfully greeted folks on the Paint Store corner every week that he wasn’t singing in the choir. The deep sense of joy that Willie brought to the greeters and choir was from the new found well of his new relationship in Christ. Despite the grace of his gentle demeanor and great love Willie had for the greeters, choir, and men’s fellowship, Willie’s past was not one of graceful blessing. Meeting Willie’s mom at the LIT Christmas gathering was more than testimony to this grace of his redemption and freedom in the Lord, she could not stop talking about what a change had come about in her son. That his contagious smile & “hello brother/sister” came from a life redeemed from habits and fates worse than many of us will ever know, is one of the deepest graces we will miss when we gather to pray and bless the ministries of Journey Community Church. Thank you Lord Jesus for the time we were given to know you through this saint of yours, our friend and fellow greeter.
Written by Kim and David Youngblood Leaders of the Second Service Greeters

Life in the Slow Lane

If I believed in putting bumper stickers on my car, they would probably say things like "I'm not tailgating, I'm drafting" or "I'm not speeding, I'm qualifying". For you non-Nascar types - it means I like to drive 80 in the fast lane.
That was until I spent over $65 filling up my 13 gallon tank
I was going to try an experiment. "Experts" say that driving 55 will net you at least 10 -20 more miles per tank. I started driving in the slow lane-at 60 miles per hr - there was no way I could drop from 80 to 55. My first week, I got an extra 15 miles out of the tank. The next week was closer to 20. Now it's a game to me. How far can I stretch that tank of gas?! I started doing other things - more right hand turns, and no putting the pedal down when the light changes to green. My goal is 350 miles per tank. I'm at 305 with a quarter of a tank to go!
See you in the slow lane and not at the pump!

Early Morning Walks with God and Megan

Several months ago, one of our pugs became aggressive towards the other female in the group. A trainer indicated that we would have to give up one of the pugs since it is not possible to have two dogs of the same age, sex and breed living together. We were devastated!

Knowing that people will sometimes act aggressive when they have undiagnosed health issues, we opted to take Megan to the vet for an eval. After all, these two dogs have lived together for 3 years before this aggression surfaced. We opted for a new vet - one that was highly recommended from some friends.

What a pleasant surprise! Megan wasn't ill, but the vet recommended an alternate treatment - something I read about in Cesar Milan's book - The Dog Whisper - exercise! Megan wasn't getting enough of her energy spent during the day in the yard, so she would take it out on the closest thing - Sedona.

The vet insisted that Megan be walked early in the AM because of heat issues pugs can have. Oh no - I was already getting up at O-dark 5:30, now I would have to get up at 5! It took some adjusting, but now I actually wake up before my alarm and Megan gets wildly excited when she sees the leash.

I now use this early morning time to reflect on life issues and talk to God about things. It has been a great addition to my prayer life. It is indescribable, how peaceful the mornings are watching the sun peak over the hills, chatting with God about things. One morning I was so into my thoughts that I almost lost Megan.

A coyote emerged from a parked RV and started to come towards Megan. (She was busy doing her business) I was staring at the sun streaming thru the clouds - something caused Megan to look up, tugging on the leash(she's deaf, so she must have smelled the coyote). My heart was pounding as I was about to scoop her up and run, when the coyote sat down and just watched for a few minutes before wandering behind another house. Since then I am a little more aware of my surroundings.

This morning, I was especially prayerful. Family issues - My younger sister is in alot of trouble with the law and today is her preliminary hearing. Although this is a tense and terrible situation, I was so at peace as I prayed, walked and watch the sun come up. I thought I would share how much I am starting to enjoy getting up at 5AM (yes, that's right I said enjoy) and walking with God and Megan. She is much happier at home and I even lost a few pounds!